August 22 is Tooth Fairy Day, a great time to talk to children in your life about their oral health habits and how to take care of their mouth and teeth. The tooth fairy has long been a tradition for many caregivers to get little ones excited about losing a tooth and earning some extra money or a small gift. Every year, Dental Dental conducts the Original Tooth Fairy Poll® as a fun way to gauge how generous the tiny fairy had been in the previous year. In the US the average tooth fairy gift is currently $5.36 per tooth!

Check out these fun ways that everyone can celebrate Tooth Fairy Day:

  • Parents and caregivers can find resources and activities for kids from MouthHealthy
  • Providers can use this Tooth Fairy Certificate to recognize good oral health habits in patients
  • Everyone can encourage good oral health habits by modeling and helping kids take care of their mouth and teeth. Remember to:
    • Brush with fluoridated toothpaste for two minutes, twice per day
    • Floss once per day
    • Visit your dentist every 6 months

Join KOHC as we celebrate Tooth Fairy Day and encourage optimal oral health for everyone!