We are sharing an update regarding an email we sent out yesterday about unintentional denial of Medicaid-eligible beneficiaries. Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) has informed us the Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) has NOT changed any policies relating to the eligibility of pregnant women and children and the denials were related to confusion created by unfamiliarity with the new platform and the hasty transition.

CHFS has identified examples where providers have misinterpreted computer screen eligibility information and turned away some patients. CHFS shared that they will continue to work with provider partners to ensure that they have received the proper training to understand the new look of some eligibility screens on the computer system and correctly interpret eligibility. CHFS recently released a Kentucky Health Net guide as a tool for dental providers to reference, click here.  If you think you have been incorrectly identified in a different eligibility group, you can call 800-635-2570 for assistance to ensure Medicaid-eligible beneficiaries are receiving the services and support they need.

Lastly, CHFS has released and updated several resources for providers. Please see below.

General Information

Dental  Services
